Friday, May 8, 2009

Photo Frenzy

Mothers day is this week end. We try to celebrate this day the best way we know how and that is by going with the "flow". The "flow" during this holiday focuses in on flowers being delivered, special sentimental jewelry and gift certificates for luxurious spa treatments. Of course there are also handmade cards, handpicked dandelions and homemade breakfasts from the biggest of hearts...our kids. This year I thought that I would love nothing more than a photo of them on a ring that I had seen on Miranda's finger almost a year ago. It was from but a little spendy so I thought "Mother's Day" would be the perfect excuse for purchasing it.

I relied on my idea and imagined their sweet faces always in my hands reach. I knew that this was what I wanted and this occasion would give me that type of cheese. Cheesiness, is defined by being tasteless or tacky but I didn't care because it would probably look better then my wedding ring, which I am sure reads "pathetic". It was easy to choose between the two.

For two days I tried taking a decent picture and I realize now why I previously paid a photographer, which wasn't an option this time so I needed to be as pleasant as I could. Patience, kindness, consideration and love were put to the test that day and I realized what being a mother was about.....

Don't expect perfection from the first time and
know what you are asking from your children.

Applaud them for listening and trying but
some times giving up helps us be stronger.

Wait until you are fully ready to try again,
but do so prepared. I needed an umbrella.

Proper attitudes is something we all struggle with.
Learning that is a life long journey.

That day I found out that that ring is no longer offered by that website and I was very much disappointed but in the end, when I looked at the picture I saw how much my kids loved me and how much they tried to make my "Mother's Day" gift work, so that was enough.

What is your favorite type of cheese and did you get it this Mother's Day?

Cheesy, hope.

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