Everyone has there own, particular family and after my recent visit to Canada I was able to see them for who they were. Living across the country I am only able to view them through a kaleidoscope of telephone calls, internet and holidays that twist around endlessly but hold the same matter. A matter made of existence, of titles and past memories. It was wonderful coming back, being part of the matter and turning with it instead of looking at it change.
Its always best to start with my dad because if you could partially understand him, the rest of my family would make sense. The best way I found to describe him over the years was that his heart speaks volumes and it needs to because he is man that speaks Russian, understands English and occassionally talks in picked up slang. Don't let that fool you for he is a person with character who believes that actions define lives. Through the years I have seen him work endlessly as a truck driver to make ends meet and each week we would celebrate his return on the weekend with food and friends. Life's a party, live it up.
My sister, D took his "confusion with language" and made it hers. She is the one who can bring a storm of chaos one day and tears of compassion the next. To her there is always words, always. She never forgets, never lets go and never holds back. With her good times are made better and bad times made intense. Because of this she is the one who stands up for the weaker, the one who believes everyone should have a voice of expression and your problems become hers. Her heart is always for the just and right with a love that surrounds people.
My brother, E is his right wing because of there differences. They are the classic example of opposites attracting. One loves people, one can do without. One loves to be surrounded, one can't be around. One craves attention and one will let him. Watching them interact is a moment. They fill each other out on their similarities, thrive on the differences and laugh hysterically the whole time. Just for L.O.L's. He keeps everyone smiling with his personality, interested in his every move.
My little sister, A is the typical sweet heart. Every family needs one. The kind who will be thoughtful enough to pack for you if you can't, to remember for you if you forget, to be reliable when you aren't and to pick up slack when everyone won't. She is the one you go to for comfort, for peace, and for love. Everyone needs her.
My mom is structure. She really holds every one together and her way of doing that is by believing in better. The best of her children, the best of herself and the best for their lives. She is always striving to a better place for better. The road she takes always is a road to change, to hope and believe that things will be what we make them to be. She has taken my dad's vision and instilled it into us, the love for people, a life for celebrating and a heart for giving.
Have you ever watched your family? Seen the core? For me differences in family are special because I need to live with them, have a relationship with them and build memory of them to last a lifetime so I might as well understand them. Understanding leads me to acceptance. Acceptance is for peace on my part because at the end of the day they are still a part of me.
Family, hope.